Reading “When China rules the World”

Since Covid-19 came to visit Earth, China emerges emerged as the culprit of all evils.

As I had planned to focus on China studies this year, it suits me well to have so much information rushing my way : from “China uncensured”, to “China in focus”, there are enough substance for anyone who wants to initiate his research in this direction.

I discovered, as my first half of the 2020 year goes by, a heap of young reporters whose career seems to live on “CCP virus” alone: some are quite talented, such as Simon Gao of Zooming in, or Joshua Philipp of The Epoch Times Crossroad hosts, whereas a lot others have not managed to retain my attention.

For years, I followed Dr Nguyen Xuan Nghia on his program “Giai ao thoi su” meaning “decoding the news” and learned a lot from this series that inspired more research and readings, both in English and in Vietnamese, during my Doctoral studies. One of the books on China that retained my attention was “Death by China” by Navarro, another one was “Currency Wars” by a chinese-speaking author that I forgot the name.

As I am now focusing more on the subject matter on “intercultural communication”, my reading on China is more on the cultural differences between the China World vs. the rest. Martin Jacques “When China Rules the World” gives a very complete picture of the evolution of the Chinese culture through her history of conquests and trading routes which now ends up in the BRI “Belt and Road Initiative” which is more known under the euphemism “Silk Road”.

That reminds me of another book I need to read soon: “The Silk Roads, a new history of the World” by Peter Francopan” which is on my shelf, waiting to be discovered…

I can’t wait to join the World of these ancient merchants that made history, ha ha!

Thanks for reading, stay safe,

See you next time, Anita H.

Published by Anita H.

Expert in Intercultural Communication, navigating between 4 cultures and 5 languages which I use daily for work and leisure. Author of blogs on wordpress and blogspot on SBI Training Solutions Projects: vietnamhoc, yourvietnamexpert, yourvietbooks,

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